I'll be on the radio tomorrow, at 12 Irish time. Highland Radio in Donegal! Talking about Friends of Breastfeeding.
The producer asked me if I could think of anywhere where it wasn't appropriate to breastfeed. Any ideas?
I suppose I should say the toilet, where many bfing mothers are sent to in this country.
that is the only right answer!!!
and horray for boobies..er* you on the radio i mean..:-)
Absolutely right. I refused point blank to go to any toilets in the UK. I even object to the breastfeeding rooms they have, because the implication is that you're not allowed to do it elsewhere. It's fine for new mothers who need the peace and quiet and who like to be away from everyone, but that's obviously not why they're there.
I can't think of an occasion when it wouldn't be appropriate.
Good luck tomorrow!
Heh, boobies on the radio...
That's right, Mwa.
Yeah, the toilet's a good idea.
Although I had no idea that women are being sent to toilets...
Pretty much anywhere it's not appropriate for you to have a sandwich if you are hungry, no?
Exactly! Never in the toilet. Ever.
Yay for you on the radio!
Behind the wheel of a car - babies should not drink and drive! I saw a lady breastfeeding on the N11 once. What a noodle.
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