Monday, November 23, 2009

mommy wants vodka

I slapped Olivia in Dunnes Stores today. I am the skanky mother of horror, and I don't even feel bad about it, her behaviour was so horrendous.

I think Christmas may well be cancelled in our house.

Holy. Fuck.

How did it start in The Excorcist. Did it sneak up slowly, or go straight to the head revolving?

Does walking round the town in her bare feet because her socks and shoes are uncomfortable, but refusing to look at any other pairs of shoes and running away from me in the shoe shop/being unbearable rude to the sweet assistant sound at all demonic to you?


Compulsive Cook said...

Oh dear, you poor things.
I'm sending you both big hugs in my mind.
For what it's worth, I once lay down on the floor of the Smithsonian art gallery in Washington and refused to look at one more picture. And I was 10 at the time.
And you know the hideous story of my father having to be sat on by his mother to keep him in school? And think how well he has turned out.

Compulsive Cook said...

PS Not particularly demonic. I frequently refused to wear shoes at that age.

Martin said...

Bright side, she's spirited?

Jo said...

heh. Spirited.

Yes, CC, art galleries can wear thin, fast.

You should have seen her in the shoe shop though. Bitch from hell.

Ms. Moon said...

She is channeling my daughter Lily when she was that age. Don't worry- she's a lovely woman now.

Mwa said...

Ouch. And breathe.

Elizabeth said...

This,too, shall pass. Or morph into some new unbearable phase. Sigh.

Jo said...


I'm so scared of the onset of Hormomes, Elizabeth!

PĂ©itseoga said...

hm, does not sound like fun! my little one is quite hard headed, too, so i'll be following your blog to see what's in store for me in a few years time...

paysan said...

You only have to start to worry when her face turns green and she sprouts warts. I'm lucky that I've never had to deal with tantrums (well, not yet anyway). Best of luck...

Jo said...

Look away, Peitseoga!

thanks paysan!