Friday, November 20, 2009

treacle time bombs

Is it just me? I feel like the clocks are speeding, as if I'm hyper aware of the seconds falling away tictictictictictic but at the same time I feel like I'm moving through treacle and everything is just taking sooo looong to do. Shopping/dinner/work/blogging something... I'm super slow. Sllllooooow.

Is it just me? Do I need to take some drugs?

On a happier note, I'm just watching some nice live Rock on BBC and was busy fancying the tattooed muscley arms of the warhammer little bearded drummer when I focused on his face and realised it was - !

Yes! Looking quite the little Rarrr Pixie indeed, Dave Grohl.

Rock on Dave. Gotta say, I'd much rather look at/listen to you than your ginger vocalist...


Mwa said...

I get that treacle thing sometimes. Awful. Just awful. It will get better, I think. It always does.

Dave Grohl - I don't get it. Sorry. But just think - more Dave for you.

Anonymous said...

It is rather interesting for me to read that post. Thanks for it. I like such topics and everything that is connected to them. I definitely want to read a bit more soon.

Jo said...

that's a random bit of spam with no ad content?

Actually, Mwa, I was just thinking this morning maybe I miss him being all skinny and neat and wee.

I dunno. I don't lust after Dave, really, but I do appreciate him as a God of Rock, no?

Anonymous said...

It is certainly interesting for me to read the article. Thank author for it. I like such topics and everything that is connected to this matter. I would like to read more on that blog soon.

Jo said...


Mick said...

It's strange, but I am feeling the opposite. Everything seems to be going super fast. Maybe this is because I have a flight coming up and I'm terrified of flying and the date keeps zoooooming closer.

Care to lend me some of your treacle?

Yeah, weird spam; polite with no ads...freaky

Jo said...

Imagine a big white light around the plain, Mick, or two giant hands guiding it. And take rescue remedy! Start now.

Or look up EFT, tapping technique to manage the anxiety too. You'll be grand. Flying with babies tends to keep you occupied anyway :)

I do feelb like everything's going super fast. It's only ME that isn't!

Danielle said...

davi is such a cool weirdo..:-)

Jo said...

Weirdo? He seems normal and well adjusted to me?

Martin said...

Time is HURTLING at the moment.

oh, and it is certainly interesting for me to read the article. Thank author for it. I like such topics and everything that is connected to this matter. I would like to read more on that blog soon.

Jo said...

Shut up! You're freakingmeout!

And you can NEVER be ready, X,just remember that.