Saturday, November 28, 2009

time for another dose of Where the Hell is Matt?


I know I've posted this before, but I got a sudden urge to see it again, and true enough, sat there watching with my heart swelling and tears dripping off my nose.

I love the creative, sweet simplicity of these videos, and the idea behind them and how it formed organically. From people.

Here is some more about Matt, if you haven't seen already.


Ms. Moon said...

I like Matt quite a bit.

Jo said...

I love Matt!

Mick said...

Fantastic! That's the first time I've seen that.

Absolutely fantastic.

Jo said...

Warms the cockles, doesn't it?

Mick said...

I don't really know why it makes me so happy. It just does. Full of optimism...

Anonymous said...

I think about Matt every now and again, & go back & watch him.

I wonder if he knows how many people he makes happy.

Mwa said...

You'd have to have a heart of stone not to love Matt.