Thursday, January 7, 2010

new year new fears...

But I'll pretend there aren't any, really.

Axel  wasn't really here, my mother in law would have been away if she hadn't cracked ribs, so no one to look after the kids - who in turn spent a massive amount of time by themselves, little soldiers... if you include the fighting, hitting and screaming.

But worst of all... ok.... the night before last I worked til 3, woke up a bit late at 8 or so... and then didn't sleep at all last night, with the aid of coffee, which miraculously kept me up. 8 am this morning was a bit of a wall though. When I'm really tired my brain starts substituting random other material for whatever I'm reading/talking about? Like, layers of subject matter on top of eachother. I'd be reading and suddenly realise I  was pretty much read-dreaming of something else. Weird.

ok, this is two photos of the one work mountain, not two piles. I just like the different perspectives.

In each paper within the paper twos,there was a Shakeaspeare question, a novel question and poetry question (choice of two) which  needed to be graded and notes made on on a separate sheet.

Paper one was easier, three comprehension questions and a short essay. About five of which were really great. But god, it was killer. Axel  did the data input for the paper twos last night, which was great of him, but he hates me for it. For that and not being able to get the work all done out of sight, while keeping things tidy and having children who don't fight and bitch and scream and wail.

I'd like that too. That's my endeavour for the year, I suppose. Along with fitting in some writing. And Excercise, of course.

And god... doing something about the evil, evil, stupid trichotillomania issue... which wasn't too bad til I was stuck in a chair working and stressing for a week, and now... ugh, god I don't even want to say :(

I'm just a one woman wrecking ball  of self destruction.

But anyhoo... yes, resolutions.

I  want to try and be normal, like all you other people :)


Danielle said...

no no no..dont become normal..just be jo..thats what we love..the just jo effekt..:-))

and yes ..those mountains are keep on climbing little jo..:-/

Mwa said...

Yes. Normal. Just like the rest of us. Good luck with that.

And good luck with the papers.

Unknown said...

No no! They're done. I stayed up ALL night!

mammydiaries said...

Normal? Do normal people even have blogs?

Ms. Moon said...

Keep working on it. Soon you'll be as normal as the rest of us. I promise!

morgor said...

There's not many normal people around as far as i know.

Fortunately i never picked up any habits like that so far, no nail-biting (a few friends), thumb-sucking (my housemate) or anything like that.

Pretty sure it's not normal to spend 9 hours straight playing call of duty on the xbox though, and you'd like my collection of swords... probably.

Jo said...

Smiles yto you all. Especially your penis collection, morgor.

Oh wait! Did I say that out loud?