Tuesday, March 23, 2010

day one

Period hormones accentuate every emotion, and throw them into relief. Is what I feel real? I suppose it's real once a  month. But how to respond to that? Men don't have this dual emotional life, do they?

I know sugar and refined foods make period symptoms worse. But my period makes me want those things. How to work that one out? If I deny it, it gets angry...

All this last week I've felt tears simmering just below the surface. I haven't cried in I don't know how long, not really, but this week, I'm like a mushy ball of squish. Poke me and I will ooze some effluent, blood or tears or ... um, well, no, maybe no or.

I went for a big walk today and got some real excercise and was going to come home and hoover and maybe - maybe - do some pilates for the first time in years. But now I have my period and after spending some small time talking to my energy-pit husband, my own  has plummeted to the point where I suddenly feel too chilled and lethargic to take a shower and I just want to eat more chocolate cereal.

But I won't. I will compromise and hoover the stairs. In a minute.


Mwa said...

Oooh, Jo, big hug to you!

Isn't it just amazing how hormones can rule your life? They rule me, too, and I hate it. Except when I have the happy hormones.

I think it's amazing you actually went for a walk when you're feeling like that, so you should go easy on yourself for the rest.

morgor said...

did you actually hoover the stairs?

Jo said...

oh ye of little faith. I did!

morgor said...

hehe, good work :)