Friday, March 12, 2010

yes! seven years on, and my suite is still avocado. Bleh!


Geeks in Rome said...

yes, but your blog is a stunning pink! and that's what the world sees!

Jo said...

ahahah, I want to get rid of the pink, I'm so over it... but what I want is too specfic and I don't have the time or energy to learn the coding to get it.

Bethany said...

thanks for sharing this, i needed a laugh.

Janine Ashbless said...

Genius!! I too once had an avocado bath. Now I have no bath, only a shower - boy does that freak plumbers out.

Jo said...

WEll. I hate my cracked green plastic, mixer-tapless bath and my shitty heating system that doesn't provide enough hot water. BUT if I had one of these...

I'm pro bath, me. Wallowing and reading and using Lush products so I smell like fizzy perfume candy. Ah yes.

Jo said...

Ps, hi, Janine!