Thursday, April 1, 2010

one of those nothing much posts

I'm still slowly recovering form the weekend. And my sore toe! Ow! Interesting bruising...

We had aa successful cookie decorating day yesterday, with Olivia's friends, except for Dade belting around like atightly woulnd spring, and him and the dog peeing everywhere. Oh. And his diy bum wiping-then-sitting all over the sofa incident. Sigh. At least there's some drying weather today, no more snow.

I'm dithering. I'd like to make easter cupcakes with little iced chick and bunny cookies on them, but I'm worried I'll eat them all if I do. My lovely friend brought me a mini lindt egg back from her shopping when she came to collect her son. How sweet is that? My favourite! Go eat one, quick, run!

What do I need to do?

I'm 1200 words in to an post for Danielle's salon blog.
I haven't bought any easter eggs yet! Or bunnies! Yikes. And now Olivia is reading, so she's looking over my shoulder and saying 'does that say 'eggs yet?' This could become problemical.
She spends all day bitching or shouting at Bodhi in an angry or peeved voice, which sounds completely awful, and then I give out to her in exactly the same tone and kick myself... but what can you do? Entertain them endlessly? Ugh, whatever. Sibling misery is its own form of entertainment, right?
A story I wrote for an anthology got accepted and it's great because it's something I really wnted to be involved in but I was sure the story was all wrong, so happyhappy me.
Also, I'm fitting into lots of clothes I haven't worn in ages again, happyhappy me.
I still haven't booked a holiday house ... I hate making decisions. I need a life-assistant.

Ahhh well, the sun is shining. Though I put out the washing in my bare feet, and my probably fractured toe did not appreciate it. I wonder will we really have a heat wave summer this year?


Mwa said...

I could do with some warmth myself. Even though I'm not sure a heat wave is advisable when hugely pregnant.

Jo said...

Oh, good point, Mwa. I was born in April 76 and just missed the hot summer, but my BIL was born in July and his mother had to struggle through it. She talks about it still!

Ms. Moon said...

Life assistant. Yes. Please. Thank-you.

Geeks in Rome said...

hooray on the anthology! too bad it won't be required reading in most English lit. courses, eh?

Bethany said...

yay you is right about the story and the clothes! Impressive.