Tuesday, May 25, 2010

crunchy pie

Oh, I forgot to say. I just made a rhubarb strawberry crumble, and the smell on my fingers of tart, custard-sweet rhubarb, and vanilla, and strawberry, and brown sugar and cinnamon is just ... ah, it's just beautiful.

We will have it at Cassia's birthday dinner tonight, in her granny's house. She just came in and asked me what was all this she'd heard about a crunchy-pie. I may be rechristening the crumble.

That's a google photo, as I haven't replaced my camera yet. I'm thinking I might get an iphone instead. My photographer friend Ciara is taking great ones with hers, and thinks everyone should have them. It's tempting...


geeks in rome said...

if only your blog could deliver some goodies this way!!

Jo said...

Aw, I would really love that. Cookies for you all...

Mwa said...

No flash on an iPhone, though - and you have to download a special app to get any kind of zoom. If you like your photos, the iPhone is only good for the quick snaps.

(I hate rhubarb. Never liked it. But then I generally don't like sour or stringy things.)