Sunday, July 25, 2010

AHA! My voice twin!


I remembered.

We occasionally treat ourselves to a lovely lovely tasty Indian takeaway. MMmmnom. Indian Spice in Greystones, if you're interested.

I always ring, because Axel is afeared of making phonecalls.

The weird weird thing is, the girl on the phone... sounds exactly like me. I forgot about it after the last time and she doesn't seem to notice, but this time I rang again it struck me again - it's like talking to myself.

Last time I asked Axel to check her out and he said that she did sound like me and that oddly her style is similar to what mine was (yes, she's in her early twenties, sigh).

It's very intriguing. Superficially, I suppose we do hail from the same geographical background, but still... as we both said, 'ok, thanks very much, by-ye!' with identical intonation and voice, it made me laugh a bit but also gives me the willies.

My voice doppelganger. Who is she? And what use could I make of this?


Anonymous said...

I'm afraid of phonecalls too, especially if I end up talking to myself! I'd wonder if I was the more evil of doppelgangers, and fret about they days I spent frying ants on the patio as a child.

laughykate said...

Make friends with her, and she'd make a great alibi. Especially if you're robbing a bank or something - you could organise her to stay at your home and answer your phone when your craftily planned phone-call- to-prove-your-alibi from a doctor/teacher/bank manager/dentist comes in.

Or you could just get her to rob the bank instead of you.

Ms. Moon said...

Maybe you should ask your dad.

Mwa said...

That reminds me of Joey from Friends and his hand twin.

You should go and look at her anyway.