Tuesday, July 13, 2010

cupboard love

Inspired by Ms Moon's kitchen endeavour and Oprah's gay Australian clutterologist today, I cleaned out my baking and spices etc cupboard.

Oprah clutter guru: see, if you don't treat your home and possessions with respect, and take responsiibility for them, you're teaching your children the same, how can they learn responsibility for anything if you don't model it etc.

Olivia, eyes aglow: yeah! That's like you! How can WE learn to be responsible for anything if you don't clean up! etc.

My genius child.

So, today I dutifully remembered to go to a Fás appointment (education/jobsearch for the unemployed that isn't going to do anything for me between now and October when work starts again), went for an estimate on the car (someone skidded into me the other day, which is thankfully fine but still a whole pile of hassle to fix), cleaned my truly awful and overloaded cupboard, finished the story I've been staring at for weeks and weeks and weeks and baked a most delicious smelling carrot cake.

Such achievement. No excercise though.

I had some grander point to make about the compulsion I feel to tell everyone about the innermost state of my cupboards as it were - oh yes, because I also rang a friend and told her at length about my innermost state even though I'd only rung to talk about playdates - I hate that I do that. Toxic Jo. Sigh. I hope anonymous isn't reading... but anyway. I can't be arsed to go into it, and isn't it just as well. It is.

Tomorrow there must be post office and bank visits, car quote pick up and the difficult phone call to the young lad who crashed into me, a trip to the library for the last Harry Potter cds (Olivia favours Stephen Fry's delivery over mine, for which I have to thank him - they're very long chapters, and nobody pays me to read 'em!), a trip to Clash for lunch and baby cuddling and if things go well, out to the Seafront to see Republic of Loose and possibly fireworks, though that may be tonight, I'm not sure. Must go check brochure.


Oh and I need to get cream cheese.

I wish they still put it all in the silver foil packs. The stuff in the plastic containers is too mushy. My mother said she used to make cheese cakes with a Danish cream cheese that was so thick she broke a butter paddle in it once. But that was long ago. What do you know? Cream cheese nostalgia.


Ms. Moon said...

They still put cream cheese in the foil packets here.
Don't you feel better with tidier cupboards?

Jo said...

One cupboard! Do I feel better? Only when I look in it.

They still do the foil packs here, but my nearest supermarket has stopped doing it, so now I have to go further away to get it. And they don't do the low fat one in the foil.

I know this is fascinating information tonight...

Mwa said...

I'm decluttering too! Two huge piles of books and another two teetering ones of university folders, all ready to go out. The decluttering is infectious and doing the rounds of the internet. I love it. Maybe that's a better thing to infect each other with than depression.

I think decluttering is exercise, too - so there.

Jo said...

It totally is, Mwa!

Martin said...

I have this vision of Jo sitting on a kitchen chair gazing peacefully into a tidy cupboard while mayhem surrounds her.

Anonymous said...

brill on cabinet...anything that leads to baking. My shop sells silver foil cream cheese, but when you look at the price per kilo (nerdy me) it's more than the plastic. FYI, is cream cheese frosting just as good with low fat? I always use full...

Jo said...

It's not really Carina - it goes runny too easily. Gloopy. But it tastes ok, just not as creamy. The problem is, thye're both so much nicer with butter in them...

Jo said...

Xbox, your vision is pretty acccurate. I may climb in a close the door...

Well, actually, no, I left the spiders in, so I won't be doing that.

Anonymous said...

I so wanted to see Republic of Loose but the motivation shop was shut that night.

I wouldn't worry about spilling innermosts over the phone, usually it's triggered by people who really want to listen. Everything for a reason etc...

Irmhild said...

i like decluttering. a little bit at a time though, i could never do a whole room. too much stuff! but a cupboard, or a shelve, or a corner, makes me feel great... i get a lot of heaps of clutter that accumulate on the dining table or any other surface, and i often do just that one task, putting everything that has a home, away, and everything else either in a box for sorting later, or in the bin... when the box for sorting later is full i tackle that. although sometimes i just divide it up into paperwork and other stuff, but still, in the process more things either find a home or get binned, so i still feel like i've achieved something! ...i'm easily pleased...