Thursday, July 29, 2010


I just saw a Refreshers facebook page. It was nearly enough to make me want one. But I think, at this stage, I'm not up to the chewy teethbusting yellow gelatinness of them. Too hardcore, scary for teeth. Still. The way the sweetness melted into a hole that let the sherbet trickle out was so excellent.

Maybe lemon sherbets (lemon drops?) would do - more suckable. Little classic handgrenades of sour fizz. I haven't had one in yearzzz...

Fizz Bombs still exist but mostly for the bath - but in the sweetie form, they're the wrong flavour and colour now. I don't think the originals exist? Raspberry fizzbombs were a deep dark raspberry purple colour and they fit just nicely in to the roof of your mouth while you sucked the fizz out of them. Even though the hard edges hurt a little. No photo :(

The Double Dip was fairly classy too - two flavours in seperate sections and a nice lollie to dip in - way nicer than the DipDab.

Speaking of sherbet and fizz, for Pop Rox fans, there's a Crunchie Icecream curently on the market with pop rox in the chocolate coating. Which is melty and rich and creamy and ... sparkly. And the ice cream tastes beautifully honeycomb caramel. It's really quality.

Bon Bons. In Shamus's sweetshop, the sweets were in glass jars on the white shelves, and these irregular shaped white bon bons were smaller than the ones you get now, maybe a third smaller. They had a hard chewy nugget of toffee in the middle and softer stuff you chewed easily off it, powdery on the outside. Creamy toffee. Underrated classic, I think.

Apple drops. Tangy sour sweet lttle sucky sweets. Preferably one for each side of the mouth. Say no more.

Pear Drops - quite different in that they tasted like Nail Varnish, but deliciously so. Chemicalicious.

Frosties. Not penny sweets, or from childhood but we ate them a lot in secondary school. Whenever anyone had them, we'd shout, FROSTIES!!!!! Good times...We loved 'em. Apparently they contain the same carcinogenic red dye that has Red Lemonade banned in all other countries but here.

Hmm, I'd better stop, I feel self conscious :) I don't eat them any more...

To high-brow the posts up just a ... smidge... it ties in with this utterly delightful children's book that I completely and totally recommend. A tasty read.


Mwa said...

Nope. I'm a savoury girl.

Jo said...

Even as a kid? I couldn't do any of this now...

Anonymous said...

I miss bonbons. We're not on speaking terms since I pulled half a tooth with one. I love sherbet though!!! Durex should offer free packets of the stuff with its products, if you ask me.

Mick said...

Christ. The sweets of my childhood, fillings of my adulthood...

Loved the fizzzzzzzz

Jo said...

Hey Mick! How are things?!

I was limited to sweets on Saturdays... I used to swap my little bag of peanuts and raisins for my friend's chocolate spread sandwich crusts in school...

but I didn't get any fillings til I was 19 and living with my husband, drinking coke because it was there... sigh.

Irmhild said...

we had something called 'ahoi brause' little paper sachets with what I guess is sherbet? you were supposed to make a fizzy drink with it, but we just licked it off the paper, for the sizzle on the tongue...

Jo said...

Yup. Kiddie cocaine :)P

laughykate said...

Did you have eclair pops? AT 13 it entered my world when I was about 13 and I thought it was perfectly gourmet. A little nugget of hard caramel on a stick with a chocolate centre.

Fantastic tooth wrecker.

Jo said...

We just had Eclairs, not the pops. There's a classy dairy milk version.

But I used to get ones in the pick and mix that were more oval shaped, and had this wonderful white creamy vaguely rum-tasting centre? Those were fantastic.

I want to wax enthusiastic about sucking and melting creamy centres and so on, but I think I'll get myself in trouble if I try.

Martin said...

Fizz. Fizzy cola bottles, apple and cola fizzy lizzys.

They may my belly ache now though, must be getting old.

Jo said...

I just looked up Fizzy Lizzies and found some hilarious sweets in the 'nostalgiia' section:

Ah, you can't beat a good herbal tablet...

Jo said...

I just looked up Fizzy Lizzies and found some hilarious sweets in the 'nostalgiia' section:

Ah, you can't beat a good herbal tablet...