Tuesday, August 17, 2010

compulsive divulgence

Whoof, lord. Is it just me? I am so afflicted with this need to tell. I need to tell you it all, all the things I feel and need and want and love. I wish I had the urge to write big popular, gripping novels instead of this need to share my innermosts. Things that perhaps are better unsaid. My conflicts and yearnings and sadnesses. What is this impulse to say things out loud, or even more to write things down out loud? The pen and page don't cut it any more. It needs to be announced. Some sort of validation, maybe, making it real.

Right now there are all sorts of things I can't say out loud, and other things I should be saying that I can't bring myself to, though I will, soon. But the weight of all the words and want pressing down on my shoulders is elephantine.

This looks hard to do but the nd result is cool. http://www.origami-instructions.com/origami-elephant.html


Anonymous said...

I hear ya..I keep waking in the dead of night having conversations with myself that I actually want to scream at my husband! if I write it down then maybe he ll hear me..dunno..but keeping it all inside cant be good either..so write on babe..

Mwa said...

I know what you mean. My inner censor is having a hard time. I think it may be a need to feel connected to kindred souls. People who actually understand and care. Also, putting it out there often heals you, I find.

Oh, and I read more blogs than novels these days.