Wednesday, August 11, 2010

flatpack fatigue

Ooof. I was going to go to the beach today. But then Axel said he'd go to Ikea and get the desk we wanted - and I'd just efficiently JumbleTowned the other too big one. So I thought we'd all go so the kids could see him, as he was dashing to practice for 2 and has a gig tonight.

But, urg, the desk was discontinued. Last April. Time waits for no man. So, ugh, there was much messing as well as an Ikea lunch - Bodhi wouldn't touch his meatballs til he could have his jelly at the same time, and then he munched both all up. Strange palate, that child. Daim cake is still tasty, Ikea cupcakes, though good value, are not as nice as mine, affirms Olivia (SCORE!) and for a company that doesn't do a vegetarian option, the salad bowls should be bigger than ashtrays. Indeed. But I did get a bookshelf for €15 which isn't what I wanted as such, but will do the job nicely for now. No chests of drawers because none of them were right. I am Ms DIY of late, I've even been drilling things. Well. Screwing things in - when it comes to making new holes, I'm still a bit wimpy.

So here I am, cross legged on the floor, the monitor like my campfire, the keyboard perched on my knee. Such nonsense. Seriously. Why do things not just go smoooothly? The simple things? There always seems to be a lump in the custard. Bah, I don't know.

I think I'm going to do cakes on Sunday, at the Greystones car boot sale, if anyone's around, come, buy biscuit cake! I'm asking the universe for the loan of a wee gazebo, anyone, anyone? Not having any money is getting old. I feel foolish for not going looking for TEFL work. Sigh.

I'm at a bit of a loss, because Dan is away - no one to chat to... so I'm going to go watch True Blood, I think. Because it seems I could keep writing this aimless post forever. Oh well... one of those ones...


Ms. Moon said...

Where's our sweet Danielle now?
I can't do screws at all. You know, the hardware kind.

Jo said...

He's in Belgium, eating sea snail soup at the beach and taking his enfants to rock concerts.

Then he's coming home and taking them to Paris. Augsut is holiday month :)

I might take the kids to the West (of Ireland) but I'm not sure I can afford the petrol and electricity bill. Sigh.

Irmhild said...

i like IKEA food, it's comfort food, like from the chipper, only a lot cheaper! OK, chipper chips are superior, of course.

Jo said...

Yes, I can see that! I noticed the veggie hotdogs at the end, but decided to wait for next time... still - my thoughts have returned to them more than once.

Mwa said...

Can't believe he was in Belgium! He won't have liked the weather.

And you and True Blood as well, eh? I need me some of that, I think. I think it's coming soon to one of our digital channels.

Jo said...

Oh yes. Where there are sex and vampires, I am usually a fangirl. I love it though, it's so fresh and stylish and funny.