Monday, August 9, 2010

new blue grown up room

I have two little sleepers in their new room, their rich turquoise blue room, in new beds. Bodhi's just gone to sleep without boobie-milk for the first time in ages. Olivia is high up in her new bunk with another tooth in a small box under her pillow. Ahhh, it's good.

The paint is gorgeous, and only took one coat (well. I would have put another on but I did the scrubbing off of the purple, not the putting on of the blue. And I worried then about wasting money, because it was so heinously expensive. But this morning, as Axel didn't get up before work time once again, it occurred to me that there may come a time when there will be another room, in need of sky blue paint, and it will be good to have it then). Olivia's clouds look so sweet hovering in their new blue sky. I need a book shelf and a chest of drawers and I need to get rid of a rocking chair and get some new curtains, but all in all, it does look nice in there. And my little boy is all big now.

Sadlly, you can't really see the colour of the paint here - it's so rich and light and strong a  colour!

one grown up sleeping boy

New very high up bed!

And hi there - I have short hair again.


Ms. Moon said...

My bedroom is always blue, no matter where we live. It is the color of peace for me.
And Jo- we have the same haircut, mostly.
Are you happy or sad about the boobless night-night?

Jo said...

I too have a blue bedroom! Though more periwinkle - theirs is closer to the blog colour really. And I was just thinking today that I would always have the same I like it so.

I'm VERY happy about the no boobie - three years! Agh! My boobs are a mess. And it's relaly annoying me. Still though - I have feeling the mornings aren't over yet. But I'm gonna start drinking sage tea and see if the milk will go away.

Mwa said...

Three years! OMG you have done your part, my dear. Well, obviously, whatever makes you happy.

I think your hair is really long! When I have short hair, I mean getting it shaved in a "5" or something. Pretty hair, though. (Yours.)

Jo said...

I could never have real short hair, I am too round of face and round of ... roundness.

But it was down past my bra strap, so it feels much shorter now. And, 'I have shorter hair!' seems a bit silly :)

Actually, I wanted it shorter, but my hairdresser tactfully suggested that I might not like it, by which she meant I was too old and fat for a real bob, I think :)

Three years, I know, I never really meant to do that...

laughykate said...

I think I have short hair, and mine is longer than yours! I suppose when you go from long, no matter what length it ends up being, it always feels waaaaay short.