Monday, August 2, 2010

pet hate

You know what I hate? When you say something that people think is weird because they don't understand it, and they say 'okkkkkaaay'. Like you're odd and irrational and stupid and so are your interests.

I'm guilty of doing this on occasion when someone is being genuinely weird, but I think I'll resist in future. It's dismissive and irritating and you're so busy making a stupid noise that you can't stop to actually consider what the person is trying to express. T'would be better to expend that energy on working out what they're trying to say, and consider that the issue lies with your own non comprehension  rather than their lack of reason.

The same goes for people who say 'Aw, bless,' in  a condescending tone, as if to imply that you're 'special'.

It's rudeness masked by irritating teen type catchphrases, that's what it is. In my humble opinion :) You'd be better off just saying 'you're fucking mad, you, and I can't be bothered listening to you at all.'

Ah, there' s nothing like a pointless rant in the morning.

And if you're thinking of saying 'ookkkaaayyy' in the comments you can stop right there, I've busted you.


Ms. Moon said...

One of my personal favorites is a bright and chipper, "All righty then!"

Martin said...

Moving along swiftly....

Demure Lemur said...

Aw bless?