Saturday, September 18, 2010

playschool of doom

♪ 'It's very sad
    It's very sad
    The old people die in the end...
    The old people die in end...
     Everybody dies in the end.' ♪

Sung with sweet matter of fact cheer in the kitchen this morning. I've misremembered it slightly. I asked him if he'd made it up and he said they sang it in playschool.

I think I prefer his punk version of 'I love you Mum' better.

** Amusing Edit! It's not what I thought - it's not old people - it's 'in the old days everyone dies in the end' - I told him something about The Old Days and how people used to die and we agreed that it was sad - but I can't remember what it was! Hygeine? Before anti biotics? I think it was something to do with that - we were in the car - that's all I remember. Hmm. Perhaps I tell my kids too much when they're three...


Anonymous said...

I'm sure they'll find a way to prevent people from dying when our kids are big

Jo said...

I did hear that our kids could have a life expectancy of 150. Isn't that awful?