Saturday, December 18, 2010

for the Irish among us...

I noticed, while searching for Donkey Kong Country The Return high and low the other day, that Disney have a game out called 'Epic Mickey'.

No, really.

I know I'm being juvenile, purile, infantile but that cracks me up.

*For those of you from outside our island, mickey is horrible skanky slang for penis. Memorably used by Twink to slander her cheating ex-husband for not being able to 'zip up his mickey'. Shudder.

It goes without saying that I'm also amused by the fact that there's a Mickey Park in the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse cartoon. Snigger.


Mwa said...

Very good. :-)

Thanks for the explanation - I didn't get it without.

I once asked my English teacher in Fifth Year English in a Scottish school why everyone thought Willy Loman in Death of a Salesman had such a funny name. In front of everyone. Which caused much hilarity.

Jo said...

Heh, heh, deadly. Did the teacher explain?

morgor said...

fnar fnar

Mwa said...

He did explain, very nicely. I blushed.

itchybollix said...

epic mickey wee

epic wee mickey


