Thursday, January 6, 2011

in-the-shower Paul McKenna-style positive affirmations

click for link

I am thin

I am thin
I am rich

I am thin
I am rich
I am happy

I am thin
I am rich
I am happy
My hair is thick and full

I am thin
I am rich
I am happy
My hair is thick and full and blond

I am thin
I am rich
I am happy
My hair is thick and full and blond
I am loved

I am thin
I am rich
I am happy
My hair is thick and full and blond
I am loved
I am calm

Sigh. Don't judge.

Ah well. It's better than I hate myself and I want to die, isn't it?*

*Meant to be wry humour. I hope that's evident.


Ms. Moon said...

All right. That cheered me. Somewhat.

Jo said...

Oh, Mary, you're in need of cheer? The last sentence was meant to be the humour, the rest is just ... pathetic...

Mwa said...

You as well? Imagine that! I am also thin and rich and happy. We should start a club! I'll be the dark-haired one though. Being blonde would freak me out.

Jo said...

Properly dark haired I could handle. It's the nothingness... though Danielle did say dirty brown is the new Prada, bless him.

Irmhild said...

i am calm, confident, and in control... i can see myself moving easily through labour... my baby is the perfect size for my body...

it worked for me the last time, hopefully it will this time, too!

it's not pathetic, if nothing else, it's so much better than negativity!

Jo said...

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for affirmation, especially for labour.

Just, like the boat picture says, for everyday, you have to follow it up with some action too, maybe.

Mwa said...

Ah how sweet of Danielle. Actually my hair in its natural state is a horrible kind of salt and pepper now. Not the good kind, not for a woman anyway. So at the moment I'm kinda reddish brown, for the holidays. The one benefit to the shitloads of money I spend on hairdyes by fancy hairdressers.

morgor said...

I read in one of those free papers on the train recently that time spent daydreaming makes you depressed.
Could have an element of truth to it I suppose.

I know things are different for women, but i've never wanted to be thin. Taller would be nice ... can't really do anything about that though...

Jo said...

No, you just want to be Buff! I think it's true about daydreaming - affirmation isn't daydreaming, though. Affirmation is good, if you do it the right way.

I also do a lot of daydreaming, and I can see the problem there alright.

You're just the right size, morgor, not everyone needs to be a basket ball player :)

Janine Ashbless said...

I was glad to find the humour footnote!

But you do have beautiful hair, Jo - I wish I had hair like it.