Monday, February 7, 2011


I ate some salami off the pizza cutter by accident, earlier.

Damn, it was tasty!


- No, I don't need to eat any more, though.


Ms. Moon said...

PETA- People Eating Tasty Animals.

Jo said...

Ok, you got me. Lol.

Janine Ashbless said...

Naughty Jo! You will lose all your Vegan Superpowers and the Vegan Police will come and take you away ... Er, um ...or did that only happen in a movie...?

Jo said...

Now, I have NEVER claimed to be a Vegan. Eggs and cheese and cream, oh boy!

Mwa said...

I am SO convinced of the moral value of being a vegetarian, but I'm too lazy to carry it through. How sad is that?

I like the poster.