Friday, March 23, 2012

we're here to look after your baby...

These women - they advocate a harsh regimen of counter intuitive sleep training and baby training from birth - putting newborns in rooms by themselves for 12 hour stretches and not responding to their cries, ignoring hunger cues, leaving them in the garden to cry for couple hours a day. They deny mothers' (and fathers'!) instincts and babies' needs and instead stick to the 1950's (and earlier) tenet of 'babies are manipulative and willful, don't pick them up when they cry, they're trying to control you'. They ignore all the info about the damage crying it out can do emotionally and the repercussions it has and they put a lot of undue pressure on parents to have perfectly behaved infants who conform to their every expectation.

Vintage Cow and Gate parenting advice - quite similar Gina Ford's, in some cases - sure a little underfeeding never did a baby any harm.... rocking them to sleep's a no no, though, the manipulative little bastards.

Needless to say, the coven's breastfeeding advice is not evidence based...

This picture reminds me of this, somehow:

to say nothing of the Witches... 


kelley @ magnetoboldtoo said...

Who are they?

And are those hats made of metal to stop the aliens invading their thoughts?



Jo said...

The one on the right is the famous (and no doubt rich) Gina Ford. I don't know the others, but one's probably Tizzie Hall who's causing misery too.

Ms. Moon said...

They can kiss my ass.

Anonymous said...

What's with the wierd faux-Heidi outfits? Do they plan to yodel the babies to sleep?

Jo said...

I think it's meant to be more 1930's nanny/district nurse style outfits?

I think they plan to ride old fashioned black bikes with baskets up into the sky while cackling :)