Thursday, May 3, 2012


I'm listening to Newton Faulkner on my ipod that I never use because the effort of loading it intimidates me. I just made the perfect waffle in the waffle iron, brown, crisp and fitting the waffle shape exactly. When you divide them up, they're heart shaped.

 I went to Tesco and bought, in addition to veg, popcorn and milks, an umbrella and socks Olivia won't wear yet again and two black vests.

The sun came back out again, this afternoon, finally. It shone beautifully on the pins of the plug I was changing, making them glow golden and lightening the fiddly nature of the task.

One more day of work. I'm so so glad it's a bank holiday on Monday because I'm weary. Three days off... a gift.

You might think that the fact that this is as exciting as my life gets is why I havne't been blogging, but it's more because I don't usually have cheerful things like this to say. I have a list of post that will never see the light of day in my drafts because they consist of depressive, self indulgent whinging. But there's not much in between that and the posts about waffles and Newton Faulkner these days, I'm afraid. But if you're still here, thanks... and join me:

I like the video for this song, but Youtube is all ads these days, which spoils it. THOUGH, my brother posted some link to a way to stop them all, which I must go back and look at. Ads on Youtube, sure, on the songs themselves, bah. 


Catherine said...

Newton Faulkner and waffles is grand by me..I ve never done either you ve inspired..listened and love the song..can imagine it blaring in the car..full of angst as I screech along..ah..hope you have a good weekend and that we get a bit of kiddies are off school tomo and I so wish I was off too..have to work the bank hol too :(( anyway, soldier on.. Hug

Jo said...

Fuck :( The bank holiday is all I have to put my faith in today - so tired!!