Thursday, May 3, 2012

Neil Gaiman

I haven't read Neil Gaiman yet, and I'm scared to.

I'm scared of his dark mind and his exquisite understanding of emotion and motivation. And his utter willingness to face those things. Brave writers are frightening to read.

But I read his tumblr, and the words he writes. His candour and kindness, the pictures of his white wolf dogs, his feral wife and his outspoken love of her. The man gives poetic bee keeping advice on tumblr. He's ... he's a little godly. Really. Just look at his hair.

And I haven't even read him yet.

So I suppose I must, I will trust him, and do it.


Cathy said...

Do it, Jo. Start with the Graveyard Book, it's not scary, really.

Jo said...

Scary I can handle. It's the disturbing/emotional I'm afeard of. But... lots to look forward to.