Tuesday, October 28, 2014

I'm not doing a gratitude journal, I promise, but I actually count my blessings quite often, surprising as you might find that.

I am so grateful that I sleep well. I suppose I've earned it after my solid years of sleep deprivation. Still... I struggle to get to bed early, and therefore am always exhausted all the time, but when I finally do let myself go to sleep, I mostly sleep all the way through til the morning, and I am not plagued by nightmares.

Sometimes anxiety dreams, perhaps that I've forgotten children's birthdays, or lost them - or frequently ones about work, most recently that the French baker from the Next Great  Baker show was critiquing my teaching technique, but no monsters.

AND, speaking of psyches getting into line, the other day I dreamed that JASON MOMOA WAS MY HUSBAND and he KISSED MY NECK. That was a big deal.

Gratuitous pic of Jason Momoa

1 comment:

Ms. Moon said...

I rate that an A+ dream.