Wednesday, July 13, 2016


Today I talked to one of the Asperger Experts in the US. Got some suggestions for managing things with Olivia. Am considering signing up for 3 months of support and advice - it's hugely expensive because they make themselves available daily, whatever you want... but then the psychologist we saw charged €75 an hour, travel time and admin time billed too... I dunno. They do get it. They *are* it, but sweet and balanced and wanting to help people... it's hard to know if it's the right thing to do but a) my father did offer some financial help and b) they offer a partial refund if you feel you've got what you needed, or aren't getting anything out of it.

It's hard to know. I feel like we need to do something. Everyone I know who asks me about things here asks if I'm 'getting some support'.  Oh, the school said, at the end of our horrible diagnosis year - we didn't realise you were going through all this without any support.

What fucking support?? There doesn't seem to be any.

Anyway... despite my bitterness, that was a good thing. It's an avenue, albeit an expenisve one. We'll see.

Tomorrow, I go see the Pixies.

Next week, Belly, with golden voiced Tanya Donnelly.

And, and, and, I've just bought tickets for myself and a friend to go to Kristen Hersh in a small theatre doing songs and stories and chat in November and I'm so blissfully happy about it. From hearing she was playing to front row tickets in an hour... wheeeeeee! Hearts and flowers. Ahh, all the music, coming back to me. I know I should learn new things, but these, these are balm to my soul. And they're making new music. Blessedly. I shall soon be going to Church.

1 comment:

Ms. Moon said...

If you've vetted this group in America and feel comfortable with their reputation, I think you should do it! Of course, it's not for me to say but that is my feeling.