Thursday, May 15, 2008

new blog

I like the look of this. I love when men articulate. I wish my husband would do one of these... then if he did, and he read my blog, we might end up communicating in some small way.


Anonymous said...

You're right, men don't articulate. That's where all you lovely commenters from Twenty's site have been - we've been hiding coz you're in pain & we don't really know what to say other than the tried & trusted "I'm very sorry for your troubles."

If you want a lively discussion on bodily functions, though, then we're your men.

Anonymous said...

BTW, what happened to the horse's ass post? I thought it was great.

Jo said...

Aw, Tinman, I'm ok. I mean, it's sad, but I'm fine. I wasn't hoping for group sharing and hugging or anything :)

samcrea said...

yeah jo, when it comes to bereavement, you cant expect the twenty crew to rally around in an Oprah style group hug, of course we would be less smutty and cruel, just for that brief mourning session...

Jo said...

Of course not - but I thought you might jump on the woman driver thing...

Jo said...

Oh God, re removed post, I totally upset my cousin with it, and she respectfully asked if I'd remove it - just not to have anything disrespecting her parents out there at this time.

I vent before I think, just like I didn't help that she didn't know the expression 'getting a land' and it made her think it was some horrible Irish slang, even worse!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the kind words Jo. I like your blog too - :)

Jo said...

! Blogger mysteries - you sound so familiar...

Anonymous said...

hehe I think tinman described us all quite well.

When a girl is upset all i can ever think of to do is a pat on the head and hand her some chocolate.

But men are supposed to be mysterious and uncommunicative.

It's part of our charm. probably.

Jo said...

No, no, morgor, that's what we want, a pat on the head and some chocolate!

Well, a cuddle and some chocolate.


Anonymous said...

sometimes a lick (on the face) and stroke too :)

Jo said...

morgor the labrador? Down boy! Down! He's just a big softy, really...

Though I have seen the size of his cannon...