Sunday, April 5, 2009

a finger of fudge

I was reminded today, that I noticed a woman coming out of the newsagent at the supermarket the other day, a middle aged, bespectacled, greyish haired woman in a blue anorak, eating what appeared to be a Cadbury's Fudge.

It struck me as strange that she would be eating a finger of Fudge. Incongruous, somehow. I didn't quite believe my eyes - a feat of observation considering my eyesight and the distance - clearly I can recognise chocolate bar wrappers from twenty paces - a talent!

Perhaps the incongruity is due to the ad campaign, now the only people I expect to see eating Fudge bars are conker-wielding schoolboys in shorts and round caps, circa 1952.


Anonymous said...

Best title for a post ever. For some deep seeded reason.

Ms. Moon said...

A finger of fudge? Well that doesn't say yummy-yummy to me. But perhaps it's a cultural thing.
And yes, I've had my dark chocolate for the evening. I can sleep well now.

Jo said...

I suppose it all depends what you're looking for before bed... a finger of fudge is just enough...

as long as I live, that jingle will make me snigger.

It's a most unpleasant bar though, dry and insanely sweet.

Lottie said...

Is it too early for chocolate?

Jo said...

Well, Lottie, I would say, never.