Wednesday, June 30, 2010

funny subconscious

I had a long dream, this morning, that started off with houses, and Olivia's school and friends and stufff - and travellers... and then had me wandering through a traveller encampment, marvelling at how fit and handsome and not at all pox-ridden the men were (okaaay...) and then I was leaving, past all the people and clutter and Hiace vans and a well to do middle aged woman was leaving with me, stopping at a stable to collect a tiny, sweet, cartoon like piglet. I picked it up and carried it for her, talking baby talk to it and exclaiming at its cuteness. We walked along the board track for a while, and then started going down stairs, as if in a train station or department store. It may well have been in a tunnel... the piglet got down and ran ahead, and I rushed to catch up with it, After a while there were more stairs and the middle ged woman had turned into a young, pregnant woman. I was anxious for her and for the piglet, but kept going forward. The piglet quickly became Bodhi, running ahead of me through lots of people. Stairs became escalators, and escalators, near the end of the journey, because strong gusts of air that whooshed you along the wall down the next set of steps. I was worried about him, but he came up laughing and fine, turning to smile at me. I followed, breathless, laughing too.

At the end, there were big glass doors opening out into sunlight. Bodhi stood on the mat and the same Star Trek type gust of controlled air propelled him out onto the pavement in the sunlight. I think he landed on his feet, still laughing, and I followed again.

So you might know why this is funny - if you don't you can read the story of Bodhi's rollercoaster birth, in brief, here. Bless my subconscious, though, and what a nice positive message to start the day with.


Annah said...

Hi Jo, what an amazing dream. I see it in context of your post about your separation and the fear you have for Bodhi, shattering his world. Down the escalators, and he emerged laughing and fine??? And the middle aged woman transforming into a young pregnant woman, is that you one day in the future? Doors open, sunlight, no more feeling trapped? Amazing symbolism.

Jo said...

Oh, well, I like that (though waht does it make the piglet?), but I think it is without question, a birth dream. An obvious one! Stairs and tunnels that get faster and faster ,and B being shot through sliding doors at the end with me running to keep up?

I've had them for myself as well, stairs and trapdoors and being squuuueezed out into the light :)

Ms. Moon said...

I love it when our dreams are reassuring.

Mwa said...

Dreams dreams they can be so revealing and I like that yours made you happy.