Friday, August 26, 2011

Keem Bay, the best beach in the world. It's got it all. Scenery, white sand, green water, it doesn't get busy, waves, a stream with rocks in to swim/play/build dams/run up and down in. On the last day we were there, there was a seal. I know because my fear-centre will not let me stop being on shark alert. Is it a fin? No, it's a cormorant fishing/inquisitive seal.

When we got there , there was much disapointment as last years brown peaty pools had been erased, sands shifted, and there was only a small stream, far from the rocks that created the deep pools. We didn't have the camera the first few days (Bodhi had put it in a box, so I brought the charger but failed to locate the camera and forgot about it) so I can't show you how the tides and river flow changed it from the start, but the following pics and video will attest to my obsession with recording the magic of tides and water flow and erosion. I should have done geography in college after all.

More later!


Denise Emanuel Clemen said...

Water is such a vital force. I used to love seeing how the landscape had changed when I hiked frequently in the San Gabriel mountains. Boulders moved. Trees down. Nature's sculptor revising a masterpiece.

Jo said...

I love how it does it all here in miniature :)

Janine Ashbless said...

That snap of Bodhi running out to the waves is just magical!